Getting access

Getting compute time on LUMI

50% of the compute time on LUMI will be distributed via EuroHPC calls. The other 50% is distributed among the participating countries according to their contributions to the consortium. Belgium as the second largest participant will get 7.4% of the total compute time on LUMI for its own allocation programs.

Both the EuroHPC and Belgian national track to get access to LUMI will have different access modes, including tracks for academic research, open industrial research, commercial access or preparatory access to prepare a larger proposal or develop exascale software. 

Dates for the next cut-off for the Belgian track: 1st of March, 3rd of June and 21st of October 2024 at 23.59 h CET.

We have separate application forms for the preparatory/development projects and regular projects. Make sure you use the most recent version available on this website. Detailed instructions can be found in a separate document. Please submit your application to lumi-be-support [ati] enccb [dota] be (lumi-be-support[at]enccb[dot]be).

Preparatory/development projects can be submitted continuously and will be reviewed once a month.

The calls in the EuroHPC program for compute time on LUMI (and other machines) are announced on

Want to know more about LUMI and how it can boost your research?
Researchers Tim Lebailly's quest to revolutionise AI training methods led him to embrace the power of the LUMI supercomputer.
Read all about it in this EuroCC user story: