

EuroCC trainings/webinars

This year we launch this year a webinar series about Generative AI for HPC & coding. More details here

National trainings

At the Belgian level, different lectures are proposed by the regional centers. Find a list:

A nearly exhaustive list of past national training courses up to August 2023 is presented on this file (see table below). This may be an indication of the future training courses you can expect. As new training courses are constantly being proposed, for more information on upcoming trainings, please consult the information directly on the CÉCI and VSC website (see above).

Table containing the main training course given in Belgium

Overview table of the training courses regularly provided by the different Belgian organization


International trainings

Training courses at all levels are also provided by various organizations and other national competence centers at the European level. They are listed in the EuroCC portal and the HPC portal.

A screenshot of the EuroCC acess portal

The EuroCC training Portal

Training videos and recording

Recording of past trainings and other videos can be found on the Youtube channels of the CÉCI and of the VSC.

Many of them are presented in our Training Videos page. 

HPC Teaching Kit

The HPC teaching kit is a set of documents and videos that can be used as support to present HPC in computer science courses. At the moment, only the English and French versions are availabe. The kit consists firstly of a 2-part slide deck on HPC (English: part 1 and part 2; French: part 1 and part 2), highlighting examples of applications, the Belgian infrastructure, the structure of a supercomputer and the principle of parallelization. Recording of these presentations are also available on YouTube (English and French)

It also contains a starting kit (English, French), a 2 pages document giving all the relevant information for anyone wanting to get started in HPC in Belgium.

Feel free to distribute these documents to anyone who might be interested. The Powerpoint versions of the slide deck and of the starting kit are also available, on request, for anyone wishing to modify it.

LUMI trainings

12-16 May 2025 LUMI Hackathon: Optimizing for AMD GPUs 

The hackathon is a way for you to get free help to optimise your software for the AMD GPUs available on LUMI-G!

You can apply if you are a researcher or a company located in either one of the LUMI consortium countries or a member of EuroHPC country. Ph.D. students and holders of postdoctoral fellowships are also eligible to apply. 

Up to six (6) projects will be selected for this hackathon. The selected projects will receive help from HPE and AMD staff of the HPE Center of Excellence for LUMI and from members of the LUMI User Support Team. 

The hackathon will be on-site only in Oslo, Norway from Monday, 12. May, till Friday, 16. May. Additionally, we will have a one-day online preparation day, which includes an introduction to profiling CPU and GPU code on LUMI. Each selected team will also have a preparatory meeting with its mentors to discuss the goals of the hackathon and the state of the project.

The deadline for applications is 31. March 2025.

More information on the hackathon and how to apply 

Register for the Hackathon

We may organise further courses on HIP, OpenMP or SYCL specifically for AMD GPUs but, for such courses or domain-specific courses, we rely mostly on courses organised by other European programs.

Basic training on parallel computing is taken care of by the local courses organized by the VSC and CÉCI. We also plan a regular user meeting at the Belgian level.

Local organisations, such as the national competence centres, may also organise courses that are open to others, so this offering may be augmented with further courses.

Specific LUMI trainings and events organised by the LUMI support team are announced on the LUMI website