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EuroCC in DataNews: EuroCC aims to bring hpc within everyone's reach

Benoît Dompierre EuroCC BE


Benoît Dompierre, head of EuroCC Belgium's National Competences Centre.

"EuroCC's main mission is to promote the use of HPC in Europe to improve productivity and shorten the time-to-market of innovative products. Our goal is to facilitate access to high-performance computing infrastructure, but also to provide support and expertise in the field of HPC, data analytics and artificial intelligence, especially in the areas of training, technology support, technology transfer, pilot projects and feasibility studies." (source: DataNews Article 26092024) 

You can read all about how we wish to accomplish this in this news article in DataNews (26092024 - in Dutch) or in French

HPC Info Session: 30/10/2024 Liège

HPC  Info Session Oct 2024

HPC  Info Session: Unlocking the Power of HPC for Belgian Industry 

On Wednesday, October 30th, join us in Liège for a special information session on how High-Performance Computing (HPC) can become a strategic asset for your business!

As part of the EuroCC project, Cenaero coordinates the Belgian Competence Center in HPC, High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA), and Artificial Intelligence (AI), called EuroCC@Belgium

During this session, we’ll explore:

  • How numerical simulation and intensive computing can boost industrial performance
  • A look at Belgium’s existing HPC infrastructures, including access conditions, training, and applications
  • Real-world case studies from industry leaders on the benefits of HPC 



Date: October 30, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Liège (Sart-Tilman)
Language: Presentation in French; Q&A in French & English

Interested? Contact frederique [dota] jacobs [ati] cenaero [dota] be (frederique[dot]jacobs[at]cenaero[dot]be) to reserve your spot!

Join us to discover how HPC can drive your innovation and keep your business at the forefront of technology! 

Published 27/09/2024

Event Quantum Circle Summit - 14/11/2024

Picture Event Quantum Circle Summit (courtesy of the Belgium Quantum Circle Community)

Join us, for the Quantum Circle Summit, scheduled November 14 at Sparks Brussels.

Find all event details and registration info here:

Why participate?

Connect with 200+ quantum explorers and experts from various industries for knowledge exchange and co-innovation.

Engage with EU and Belgian decision makers to drive quantum technology adoption and prepare for economical and societal impact.

Who will lead the conversation?

  • Julian Van Velzen, CTIO & Quantum Lab lead, Capgemini
  • John Walsh, CTO, Fujitsu
  • Maarit Palo, Quantum Strategic Partnerships, IBM
  • Azfar Aslam, VP & CTO Europe Network Infrastructure, Nokia
  • Alexandra Paul, Global Public Policy Lead, Pasqal
  • Danielle Jacobs, CEO, Beltug
  • Dirk Haex, CEO, Belnet
  • Kristiaan De Greve,  Fellow, Program Director Quantum, imec
  • Jack Hamande, General Director Digital, BOSA
  • Peggy Valcke, Executive Board Member, BIPT

Why is networking key at this stage?

Interact with like-minded business users from all industries, public sector representatives, Belgian startups, global tech providers, top researchers, and policy makers – all passionate about quantum innovation. 

Picture with courtesy of the Belgium Quantum Circle Community  


Published on 23/09/2024

VSC User Day -22/10/2024

VSC User Day 2024

About the Event

We are delighted to announce the highly anticipated VSC Users Day, which will take place on October 22, 2024 in Brussels.

Mark your calendars now for this exciting event!

The theme of the Day: Artificial Intelligence and Research

This year's theme is centered around the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in research. Our program is designed to offer a variety of inspiring talks and captivating lightning talks that provide insights into the latest advancements and applications of AI in various research fields, as well as the general usage of HPC. 

Join us for a full day of inspiring talks, engaging lightning presentations, and networking with fellow VSC users and experts in the HPC and AI community.

More information & registration:

Practical information 

22 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 17:00 CEST

FWO, Hoek 38, Rue de Louvain 38, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium


LUMI User Day 2024

LUMI User Day 2024





Date: Thursday 7th of November 2024 

Location: A6K Square des Martyrs, 6000 Charleroi 

More information to follow soon! Keep an eye on this website or follow EuroCC Belgium via LinkedIn or X for new updates. 


This event is jointly organized by: 

Partners LUMI User Day