Announcing the Gray Scott school satellite site at Namur | 1-12 July 2024

We are pleased to announce the creation of satellite site for the Gray Scott School in Namur.
Register to the Belgian satellite site of the Gray Scott school here.
Gray Scott School
The Gray Scott School is a summer school on HPC in French, from 1 to 12 July, organized by the Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP) and the French Competence Center, CC-FR. The school which is completly free, is dedicated to programming and optimization on heterogeneous architectures.
The school will cover the optimization of computations on different types of hardware (CPU, GPU), presenting their respective characteristics, architectures and bottlenecks. It will cover both generic optimization methods applicable to all types of hardware, and the various libraries, technologies and languages available to achieve the best possible performance. Ideally, peak machine performance.
- Hardware: CPU, GPU.
- Languages considered : C++17, C++20, CUDA, Fortran, Rust, Python
- Libraries considered: SYCL, Eve, Numpy, cunumerics, legate, Jax, Thrust.
- Compilers considered : G++, Clang++, nvc++, gfortran, nvfortran, dpc++.
- Profiling tools: Valgrind, Maqao, Perf, NSight, Malt and NumaProf.
All methods will be illustrated on simple examples, such as Hadamard products, reductions, barycenter calculations and matrix products, and applied to a single problem: the simulation of a Gray Scott reaction. This problem is simple enough to be understood quickly, yet complex enough to be difficult for compilers to optimize without help. Each method will be broken down into a simple version, using default options, and one or more advanced versions, which will allow us to discuss and quantify their advantages and disadvantages.
For more information about its content, please visit the website of the school.
There is three way to participate to this school:
- Face-to-face at LAPP Annecy with the official trainers of the LAPP - including a BootStrap day: Register here.
- Distance learning, à la carte, at various satellite sites in France (Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, Reims, Nantes, Montpellier, IDF, others to come...) but also in Namur, Belgium: Register Below
- Remote from your home or organization, à la carte, via live streaming on Youtube: Register here.
The satellite site in Belgium
The satellite site in Belgium will be located at the University of Namur. If you come to the satellite site, you will benefit from:
- Interactions with the official trainers at the LAPP;
- A group support and a good work atmosphere;
- A lunch and a social event on the first day;
- You choose what you want to follow on-site. We encourage you to come on the first day, but you make your program for the other days à la carte.
Register to the Belgian satellite site of the Gray Scott school here.