
Our stories, highlighting the value of HPC infrastructure and expertise in Belgium. If you want to share your story here, contact us!

Atlas Copco - Understanding physics at the microscale in filter media with supercomputing

Streamlines flow through a filter medium coloured by velocity magnitude

Exploration & optimisation of design at Atlas Copco
Atlas Copco specialises in the design, development and manufacture of, amongst others, industrial compressors and expanders, vacuum solutions and air and gas treatment equipment. 
Customers tend to be companies in various industries, from food and beverage, oil and gas, semiconductor, transportation, and construction to medical applications.

User Story Mpacts: leveraging expertise

Spatial sorting and the effect on the computational time
Besides computing infrastructure, VSC also offers a wide range of services to its users. One of these services is helping users to improve their software so it can run more efficiently on the VSC infrastructure. In the case of Mpacts, VSC recommended sorting the particles so that particles close in (simulated) space are also close together in computer memory. This programming technique made the software more efficient and, thus, faster.

Better photonics with machine learning

Image of a laser on a prism
Photonics is the study of quantum light grains, the photons. Photonic devices can be designed using numerical simulations based on the equation of electromagnetism. But real systems are so complex that optimizing a device can be too computationally demanding, even for supercomputers. Fortunately, machine learning is a great help when it comes to optimization.

Improving chocolate with supercomputing

Chocolade and supercomputing
Did you know that supercomputing is used to improve chocolate? Fermentation is the first step in the production of chocolate. In this process, the activity of microorganisms contributes to the chocolate’s taste. The Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel deals with the qualitative and quantitative study of fermented food systems using methodologies including next-generation DNA sequencing. This technology provides unseen possibilities to investigate microbiomes involved in food fermentation processes but also implies growing datasets and databases, which in turn results in more computational requirements. For IMDO, the need for increasing computational capacity meant an informative journey from using their own cluster to using the VSC Tier-1 infrastructure. 

HPC Story: Interview with K. Hoste on Easybuild: Part 2

Easybuild is a software that allows to maintain a consistent central software stack without compromising on the performance of the installations, installed on many supercomputer facilities in the world. Here is the second part of the interview with Kenneth Hoste, one of the main developers!

User story: Outsmarting NP-hardness

Picture of warehouse
In a warehouse, orders have to be picked by order pickers. These order pickers have to visit the storage locations of the items on their pick list and retrieve the requested number of items. By combining similar orders on a single pick list, the travelling distance per order can be reduced. This increases efficiency and, thus, productivity.