LUMI documentation is available on the LUMI support website.
LUMI has a distributed support model.
- Support questions for access via the Belgian fraction of the compute time, and all issues involving user account creation, compute time allocation and disk quota should be directed to the LUMI-BE help desk at lumi-be-support
enccb [dote] be (lumi-be-support[at]enccb[dot]be).
- It is not clear yet who will provide the support for those issues for users getting access via one of the EuroHPC calls.
- Once you have your account and compute and disk allocations, the LUMI User Support service takes over. The preferred way of contacting user support is via the LUMI support website. However the resources of the LUMI User Support Team are limited as from the start of the project it was decided that participating countries should also offer support to their users. The LUMI User Support Team can certainly assist in installing software, but cannot install each and every very specialised package and certainly cannot be expected to debug faulty installation procedures or rewrite installation procedures that do not support the HPE-Cray Programming Environment that is at the core of the LUMI software stack. There are also experts in code porting in the team, but their role is to give advice and not to do the actual porting. Nor does the team have the resources to do debugging of applications. Though some people in the support team have a background in a particular science field, the team is also too small to have domain knowledge in all relevant fields so don’t expect knowledge about all possible algorithms available to solve a particular problem or knowledge to work with all application codes. The LUMI User Support Team is also assisted by a few experts from HPE-Cray and AMD, and will take care of contacting those experts or a national support service for those issues that are better dealt with by those services.
LUMI User Support will function in a very different mode from many user support service at Tier-2 university HPC centres. Data privacy regulations and data confidentiality are very important on a supercomputer that will also see industrial use. This is why questions about account creation and allocations of compute time and storage for the Belgian compute fraction have to be directed to the Belgian help desk. LUMI support does not have full access to that data. Similarly, the members of the LUMI User Support Team cannot see the files in your account or the content of your jobs. You will have to gather and pass yourself all data that is needed to handle your support question to the support team. LUMI User Support Team members have regular user accounts with little to no extra privileges.