Academic user story

Our academic success stories, highlighting the value of HPC infrastructure and expertise for academic research in Belgium. If you want to share your story here, contact us!

Inside SP-Wind: Prof. Johan Meyers on Pioneering code for Wind Simulation

Wind Turbines
Turbulent flows are notoriously challenging in terms of modelling. Turbulence doesn't readily lend itself to simple, straightforward models. While the Navier-Stokes equations comprehensively describe the underlying physics, they come with a significant computational cost. In fact, attempting to simulate the full Navier-Stokes equations with all the complex physical details is (nearly) impossible. However, by introducing certain simplifications (Large Eddy simulations), we can leverage the power of supercomputing to create reasonably accurate models of turbulent flows.

Revolutionizing Neuroimaging Education with Supercomputing and Neurodesk

Picture Pim Pullens Ghent University with neuroimaging software
In this user story prof. Pim Pullens of Ghent University explains how supercomputing infrastructure and other tools are being used to teach students how to analyse imaging data. Prof. Pullens: “As said, my students have no experience working with a supercomputer. However, thanks to using the VSC infrastructure, Open OnDemand and Neurodesk, I can get them to analyse their data within an hour, which shows how user-friendly and efficient this set-up is.” 

Levering whole genome sequencing data to tackle missing heritability in rare eye diseases

AI illustration that depicts genome diagnostics in rare eye disease
Learn how powerful computing supports the use of more advanced genetic testing to improve the diagnosis of rare eye diseases. Mattias Van Heetvelde: “The Tier-2 infrastructure from the VSC allows us the use of significant (temporary) storage and compute resources at no extra cost and ensures our data is handled securely and efficiently. As a safeguard, all patient-derived sequencing data on the VSC infrastructure are pseudonymised, meaning the key to retracing the sequencing data to patient information is not kept on VSC infrastructure.” 

From Models to Mitigation: The Role of HPC in Infectious Diseases Modelling

image of COVID-19 vaccin bottles
Discover how scientists from UHasselt, UNamur, and Sciensano are using advanced mathematical modeling to prepare for future pandemics. By analyzing data from the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have developed a powerful tool to predict the spread of infectious diseases and assess the impact of interventions like vaccination campaigns. This groundbreaking work will equip us with the knowledge to tackle future outbreaks more effectively. Dive into this fascinating article to learn how these efforts are shaping the future of public health preparedness.

User Story: Mapping thermal buffering capacity of European forests

Sensor in forest sGlobe
Looking to cool off during a scorching heatwave ?? Head to the forest ?—it's not just beautiful, it's also cooler thanks to thermal buffering. But did you know traditional weather stations often miss these cooler spots? They typically generate macroclimate data and miss out on what is really important for many species living close to the ground (the microclimate). The research lab sGlobe (KULeuven) aims to unravel the drivers and impact of microclimate conditions. sGlobe combines big data with state-of-the-art modelling techniques like machine learning and species distribution models to study the effects of climate change on forest life. Dive into this user story and discover how supercomputing powers this vital research.

Polymer recycling unveiled: Supercomputing and molecular dynamics paving the way to circular economy

Plastic bottles
In his PhD, Mats Denayer (General Chemistry Research Group of Vrije Universiteit Brussel) developed a new computer-based protocol to predict whether polymers will dissolve in certain liquids (solvents). Proven valid, the program can be used for polymer recycling. Mats' research fits within the context of transitioning to a circular economy through the development of (polymer) recycling processes.

Fuel and operational flexibility in micro Gas Turbine combustors for sustainable energy production

Image from a simulation of a combustor with flames
Finding means to fight climate change is a major target of today's scientific research. To this aim, it is essential to limit greenhouse gas emissions, for instance by replacing fossil fuels with alternatives such as biogas or hydrogen, or by combining power and heat generation. Maintaining complete and stable combustion in such unconventional conditions is not straightforward. In this user story, Alessio Pappa explains how his research can help design better combustors for sustainable energy production.
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